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Deep Semi-Supervised Metric Learning With Mixed Label Propagation

Furen Zhuang · Pierre Moulin

West Building Exhibit Halls ABC 326


Metric learning requires the identification of far-apart similar pairs and close dissimilar pairs during training, and this is difficult to achieve with unlabeled data because pairs are typically assumed to be similar if they are close. We present a novel metric learning method which circumvents this issue by identifying hard negative pairs as those which obtain dissimilar labels via label propagation (LP), when the edge linking the pair of data is removed in the affinity matrix. In so doing, the negative pairs can be identified despite their proximity, and we are able to utilize this information to significantly improve LP’s ability to identify far-apart positive pairs and close negative pairs. This results in a considerable improvement in semi-supervised metric learning performance as evidenced by recall, precision and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) performance metrics on Content-based Information Retrieval (CBIR) applications.

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