at the Vancouver Convention Center
The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses. This year, CVPR will be single track such that everyone (with full passport registration) can attend everything. The focus will be on few selected plenary talks, scientific discussions at poster sessions and plenty of time for networking and socializing. Each paper will be presented at a poster session. All paper award candidates will have a plenary oral talk. Every attendee will have access to a personalized digital program. The virtual platform will host videos, posters and a chat room for every paper. All plenary events will be streamed!

- RSIP Vision have published their BEST OF CVPR here.
- CVPR 2023 awards and demo awards are available here
- CVPR 2023 wraps with record paper submissions and continued growth trajectory
- Livestreams for the main conference (Tue, Wed, Thu) are available to registered physical and virtual attendees. Visit the schedule to watch. Streams for those Tutorials and Workshops that have recordings will be posted within the week.
- The slides from the Opening Ceremony are available here.
- Fast Forward Videos of all Highlight Papers are available now
- CVPR has an exciting line-up of keynote speakers and panelists
- We thank the CVPR 2023 sponsors for supporting the conference - the job board is available now
- Interactive charts CVPR 2023 by the Numbers and CVPR 2023 Team Sizes are available now
- Schedule for student speed mentoring is available now - student registration is open
- List of outstanding reviewers is available now
- Information about the CVPR 2023 poster printer service is available now
- List of accepted papers and award candidates is available now
- Program overview and program booklet pdf for the main conference are available now
- Workshops and tutorials as well as workshop and tutorials booklet pdf are available now
- Registration is now open: Registration and Pricing
- See the demo schedule here.

Important Dates
Main conference sessions: | June 20-22 |
Expo: | June 20-22 |
Workshops: | June 18-19 |
Tutorials: | June 18-19 |
CVPR 2023 Visas
The CVPR'23 organizing committee deeply regrets that many members of our community could not receive visas to attend CVPR 2023. For several months, the organizers have actively raised concerns with Canadian immigration authorities (IRCC), government agencies, and politicians. In some cases, we have been successful in helping people obtain visas, but in many cases, our efforts were unsuccessful. The organizers acknowledge that the international representation of members from all over the world is what has made CVPR successful. We share in the frustration of those who were unable to attend. We continue to allow virtual to in-person registration switches for attendees who receive their visas before the conference.
Russian Invasion of Ukraine
CVPR condemns in the strongest possible terms the actions of the Russian Federation government in invading the sovereign state of Ukraine and engaging in war against the Ukrainian people. We express our solidarity and support for the people of Ukraine and for all those who have been adversely affected by this war.
Warning About Attendee List / Hotel Vendor Scams
The IEEE/CVF CVPR Conference does not sell or rent its attendee list. Please forward all attendee list solicitations to Carmen Saliba <>. Furthermore, we strongly encourage you to book your rooms through the event room block or directly with a reputable hotel to avoid hotel vendor scams.
Post-CVPR 2023 Poll about Conference Format
Below are the results of the post-CVPR poll about the conference format.