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Highly Confident Local Structure Based Consensus Graph Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering

Jie Wen · Chengliang Liu · Gehui Xu · Zhihao Wu · Chao Huang · Lunke Fei · Yong Xu

West Building Exhibit Halls ABC 320


Graph-based multi-view clustering has attracted extensive attention because of the powerful clustering-structure representation ability and noise robustness. Considering the reality of a large amount of incomplete data, in this paper, we propose a simple but effective method for incomplete multi-view clustering based on consensus graph learning, termed as HCLS_CGL. Unlike existing methods that utilize graph constructed from raw data to aid in the learning of consistent representation, our method directly learns a consensus graph across views for clustering. Specifically, we design a novel confidence graph and embed it to form a confidence structure driven consensus graph learning model. Our confidence graph is based on an intuitive similar-nearest-neighbor hypothesis, which does not require any additional information and can help the model to obtain a high-quality consensus graph for better clustering. Numerous experiments are performed to confirm the effectiveness of our method.

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