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Perceptual Assessment and Optimization of HDR Image Rendering

Peibei Cao · Rafal Mantiuk · Kede Ma

Arch 4A-E Poster #277


The increasing popularity of high dynamic range (HDR) imaging stems from its ability to faithfully capture luminance levels in natural scenes.However, HDR image quality assessment has been insufficiently addressed. Existing models are mostly designed for low dynamic range (LDR) images, which exhibit poorly correlated with human perception of HDR image quality. To fill this gap, we propose a family of HDR quality metrics by transferring the recent advancements in LDR domain. The key step in our approach is to employ a simple inverse display model to decompose an HDR image into a stack of LDR images with varying exposures. Subsequently, these LDR images are evaluated using state-of-the-art LDR quality metrics. Our family of HDR quality models offer three notable advantages. First, specific exposures (ie., luminance ranges) can be weighted to emphasize their assessment when calculating the overall quality score. Second, our HDR quality metrics directly inherit the capabilities of their base LDR quality models in assessing LDR images. Third, our metrics do not rely on human perceptual data of HDR image quality for re-calibration. Experiments conducted on four human-rated HDR image quality datasets indicate that our HDR quality metrics consistently outperform existing methods, including the HDR-VDP family. Furthermore, we demonstrate the promise of our models in the perceptual optimization of HDR novel view synthesis.

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