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Oral Session

Orals 6A Low-level vision and remote sensing

Summit Ballroom
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Fri 21 June 13:00 - 13:18 PDT

Oral #1
LDP: Language-driven Dual-Pixel Image Defocus Deblurring Network

Hao Yang · Liyuan Pan · Yan Yang · Richard Hartley · Miaomiao Liu

Recovering sharp images from dual-pixel (DP) pairs with disparity-dependent blur is a challenging task. Existing blur map-based deblurring methods have demonstrated promising results. In this paper, we propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first framework to introduce the contrastive language-image pre-training framework (CLIP) to achieve accurate blur map estimation from DP pairs unsupervisedly. To this end, we first carefully design text prompts to enable CLIP to understand blur-related geometric prior knowledge from the DP pair. Then, we propose a format to input stereo DP pair to the CLIP without any fine-tuning, where the CLIP is pre-trained on monocular images. Given the estimated blur map, we introduce a blur-prior attention block, a blur-weighting loss and a blur-aware loss to recover the all-in-focus image. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in extensive experiments (see Fig. 1).

Fri 21 June 13:18 - 13:36 PDT

Oral #2
S2MAE: A Spatial-Spectral Pretraining Foundation Model for Spectral Remote Sensing Data

Xuyang Li · Danfeng Hong · Jocelyn Chanussot

In the expansive domain of computer vision, a myriad of pre-trained models are at our disposal. However, most of these models are designed for natural RGB images and prove inadequate for spectral remote sensing (RS) images. Spectral RS images have two main traits: (1) multiple bands capturing diverse feature information, (2) spatial alignment and consistent spectral sequencing within the spatial-spectral dimension. In this paper, we introduce Spatial-SpectralMAE (S2MAE), a specialized pre-trained architecture for spectral RS imagery. S2MAE employs a 3D transformer for masked autoencoder modeling, integrating learnable spectral-spatial embeddings with a 90% masking ratio. The model efficiently captures local spectral consistency and spatial invariance using compact cube tokens, demonstrating versatility to diverse input characteristics. This adaptability facilitates progressive pretraining on extensive spectral datasets. The effectiveness of S2MAE is validated through continuous pretraining on two sizable datasets, totaling over a million training images. The pre-trained model is subsequently applied to three distinct downstream tasks, with in-depth ablation studies conducted to emphasize its efficacy.

Fri 21 June 13:36 - 13:54 PDT

Oral #3
Task-Driven Wavelets using Constrained Empirical Risk Minimization

Eric Marcus · Ray Sheombarsing · Jan-Jakob Sonke · Jonas Teuwen

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are widely used for their ability to effectively approximate large classes of functions. This flexibility, however, makes the strict enforcement of constraints on DNNs a difficult problem. In contexts where it is critical to limit the function space to which certain network components belong, such as wavelets employed in Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA), naive constraints via additional terms in the loss function are inadequate. To address this, we introduce a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) wherein the convolutional filters are strictly constrained to be wavelets. This allows the filters to update to task-optimized wavelets during the training procedure. Our primary contribution lies in the rigorous formulation of these filters via a constrained empirical risk minimization framework, thereby providing an exact mechanism to enforce these structural constraints. While our work is grounded in theory, we investigate our approach empirically through applications in medical imaging, particularly in the task of contour prediction around various organs, achieving superior performance compared to baseline methods.

Fri 21 June 13:54 - 14:12 PDT

Oral #4
Image Processing GNN: Breaking Rigidity in Super-Resolution

Yuchuan Tian · Hanting Chen · Chao Xu · Yunhe Wang

Super-Resolution (SR) reconstructs high-resolution images from low-resolution ones. CNNs and window-attention methods are two major categories of canonical SR models. However, these measures are rigid: in both operations, each pixel gathers the same number of neighboring pixels, hindering their effectiveness in SR tasks. Alternatively, we leverage the flexibility of graphs and propose the Image Processing GNN (IPG) model to break the rigidity that dominates previous SR methods. Firstly, SR is unbalanced in that most reconstruction efforts are concentrated to a small proportion of detail-rich image parts. Hence, we leverage degree flexibility by assigning higher node degrees to detail-rich image nodes. Then in order to construct graphs for SR-effective aggregation, we treat images as pixel node sets rather than patch nodes. Lastly, we hold that both local and global information are crucial for SR performance. In the hope of gathering pixel information from both local and global scales efficiently via flexible graphs, we search node connections within nearby regions to construct local graphs; and find connections within a strided sampling space of the whole image for global graphs. The flexibility of graphs boosts the SR performance of the IPG model. Experiment results on various datasets demonstrates that the proposed IPG outperforms State-of-the-Art baselines. Codes are available at

Fri 21 June 14:12 - 14:30 PDT

Oral #5
DART: Implicit Doppler Tomography for Radar Novel View Synthesis

Tianshu Huang · John Miller · Akarsh Prabhakara · Tao Jin · Tarana Laroia · Zico Kolter · Anthony Rowe

Simulation is an invaluable tool for radio-frequency system designers that enables rapid prototyping of various algorithms for imaging, target detection, classification, and tracking. However, simulating realistic radar scans is a challenging task that requires an accurate model of the scene, radio frequency material properties, and a corresponding radar synthesis function. Rather than specifying these models explicitly, we propose DART --- Doppler Aided Radar Tomography, a Neural Radiance Field-inspired method which uses radar-specific physics to create a reflectance and transmittance-based rendering pipeline for range-Doppler images. We then evaluate DART by constructing a custom data collection platform and collecting a novel radar dataset together with accurate position and instantaneous velocity measurements from lidar-based localization. In comparison to state-of-the-art baselines, DART synthesizes superior radar range-Doppler images from novel views across all datasets and additionally can be used to generate high quality tomographic images.