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Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Ce Liu (Meta)
Bryan Morse (BYU)
Cristian Sminchisescu (Google DeepMind and Lund University)

Program Chairs

Phillip Isola (MIT)
Hedvig Kjellström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Vincent Lepetit (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
Fuxin Li (Oregon State University)
Hao Su (University of California, San Diego)
Siyu Tang (ETH Zurich)

Technical Chair

Yoshitomo Matsubara (Spiffy AI)

Advisor to the Program Committee

David Forsyth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Workshop Chairs

Brian Clipp (Kitware)
Forrester Cole (Google)
Chen Sun (Brown University)
Lijuan Wang (Microsoft)

Tutorial Chairs

Katarina Doctor (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
Madhu Srinivasan (AMD)
Bolei Zhou (University of California, Los Angeles)

Demonstration Chairs

Rahul Garg (Netflix)
Neal Wadhwa (Google)

Finance Chair

Walter Scheirer (University of Notre Dame)

Publicity Chair

Kosta Derpanis (York University)

Publications Chair

Eric Mortensen

DEI Chairs

Christopher Funk
Saining Xie (New York University)

Senior PAMI-TC Ombuds

David Forsyth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Linda Shapiro (University of Washington)

AI Art Curator

Luba Elliott (Independent Curator)

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Nathan Jacobs (Washington University in St. Louis)
Abby Stylianou (Saint Louis University)

Web Developer

Lee Campbell (Eventhosts)

Conference Producer

Nicole Finn (c to c events)