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CVPR 2024 Expo Call for Talks and Panels

Takes place on , Seattle Convention Center, Seattle

Submission deadline:  

Date not found: ExpoCallForTalksAndPanelsDeadline

Speakers confirm that their talk will accord with the CVPR code of conduct.

Submissions are solicited from CVPR sponsors for CVPR 2024 Expo, a new component of the International Conference on Machine Learning (CVPR 2024), a multitrack, interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in machine learning, neural computational and their applications.

Talks and panels will be held on , the day before the CVPR 2024 main conference tutorials.

We invite sponsors to submit proposals for talks and panels on topics that are relevant to the CVPR community. Submissions will be evaluated on their general interest, potential impact, and timeliness.

Subject areas include:

  1. Applications
  2. Software
  3. Hardware
  4. Algorithms
  5. Neuroscience and AI
  6. Research opportunities

Submission Format:

  • Title of the Talk/Panel
  • Name and contact information of the organizer
  • (phone number, email address, physical address)
  • Name(s) and affiliation of speaker(s)
  • Abstract of the talk/panel.


Submit at: Expo Talk and Panels Application »