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Voting and Elections

  1. Create a ballot by clicking Add Ballot in the upper right corner. A ballot can have many questions on it. You may add questions as you create the ballot, or you may create questions here
  2. Each ballot has an editable document that appears above the voting form. Visit Documents to create a document that contains HTML in the body. Then when you visit the ballot page, you may edit that document using the edit button in the lower left of the page when you've scrolled to the bottom. When creating the document, use a textid that starts with /embedded/vote/ e.g. /embedded/vote/icml2022
  3. Each question must have an "election_type".
    • Unranked simply totals up the votes for each choice and presents an ordered list of results. This is good for an election where there is a single seat.
    • Ranked or Single Transferable Vote (STV) is a multiple candidate election method that elects candidates based on proportional representation. Minority voting blocs get representation if they have enough votes to elect a candidate. STV is therefore the preferred ranked-choice voting method for parliament elections and most multiple seat elections. For more information, see the Github repository for PyRankvote.
  4. Add choices (candidates) to your question as you create your question or click here.
  5. Invite people to vote by uploading an Excel spreadsheet of email addresses. The spreadsheet must have the field "email" in its active sheet.
  6. Votes are visible only to the developer team. Other users cannot see who voted for whom, even if they have administrative access.
  7. Although unranked voting doesn't use rank, the rank of the votes is stored. Therefore, it is possible to change an unranked question into a ranked one after the election to see differences in the outcomes.

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