CVPR 2023
Organizing Committee
Conference Producer
Nicole Finn
(c to c events)
General Chairs
Michael S Brown
(York University / Samsung)
Fei-Fei Li
Greg Mori
(Borealis AI / SFU)
Yoichi Sato
(University of Tokyo)
Program Chairs
Andreas Geiger
(University of Tübingen)
Ross Girshick
Judy Hoffman
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Vladlen Koltun
Svetlana Lazebnik
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Tutorial Chairs
Siyu Tang
(ETH Zurich)
Jianxin Wu
(Nanjing University)
Workshop Chairs
Olga Russakovsky
Yu Wu
(Wuhan University)
Serena Yeung
Senior PAMI-TC Ombuds
David Forsyth
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Linda Shapiro
(University of Washington)
Conference Ombuds
Kyoung Mu Lee
(Seoul National University)
Xiaodan Liang
(Sun Yat-sen University)
Virtual Platform Chair
Andreas Geiger
(University of Tübingen)
Social Activities Chairs
Angel Chang
Giovanni Maria Farinella
(University of Catania, Italy)
Demonstration Chairs
Jonathan T. Barron
Gim Hee Lee
(National University of Singapore)
Local Chairs
Leonid Sigal
(University Of British Columbia)
Kwang Moo Yi
(University Of British Columbia)
DEI Chairs
Thibaut Durand
(Borealis AI)
Fatma Güney
(Koç University)
Kate Saenko
(Meta / Boston University)
Publicity Chairs
Kosta Derpanis
(York University)
Boqing Gong
(Saint Louis University)
Abby Stylianou
(Saint Louis University)
Accessibility Chair
Danna Gurari
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
'YZ' Yezhou Yang
(Arizona State University)
Catherine Qi Zhao
(University of Minnesota)
Web Developer
Lee Campbell
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