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Doctoral Consortium

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Call for Participation: CVPR 2024 Doctoral Consortium


The Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for students, who are close to finishing or who have recently finished their doctorate degree, to interact with experienced researchers in computer vision. A senior member of the community will be assigned as a mentor for each student based on the student's preference or similarity of research interests. All students and mentors will attend a Doctoral Consortium event during the conference (in-person), allowing the students to discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentor. In addition, each student will present a poster, either describing their thesis research or a single recent paper, to the other participants and their mentors.


Students must be conducting research in computer vision and be within 6 months (before or after) of graduating with their doctoral degree.

Submission Guidelines

Students who meet the eligibility requirements should apply using CMT. The applicant must submit the following as a single PDF file:

  1. The applicant's CV.
  2. A two-page research statement summarizing the applicant's research and progress to date.
  3. A signed letter from their advisor confirming the actual / estimated date of graduation.

Additional information will be requested via the submission form. 

Please ensure that all pieces of information are included in the application. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Review Process

If all applications cannot be supported, selection will be based on the provided material and the student's graduation date, and supporting a diverse collection of students across institutions and research areas.

Travel Awards

The amount is yet to be determined, but will likely include a waiver for conference registration fees and some travel funding. Travel reimbursements will cover part of the expenses. The awards will be in the form of a reimbursement check that you will receive after the conference, and after you submit forms/receipts.

You need itemized receipts that show what exactly you paid for. Allowable expenses include:

  • airfare (Note: Save your boarding passes and include them.)
  • ground transportation (Note: If you want to drive your own car, you will be reimbursed for mileage at the federal rate; for cabs, you need to get a receipt.)
  • conference registration and extra page fees
  • hotel or AirBnB (Note: Don't use AirBnB if you can't get a formal receipt. Room service cannot be reimbursed.)
  • meals not provided by the conference (Note: Dish names should be included. Alcohol cannot be reimbursed.)

After the conference, if you are at a US-based institution:

  1. Scan your receipts, including any boarding passes you have, and put all of them in a single PDF named [firstname_lastname]_receipts.pdf
  2. Fill out a form W-9 (if you are a US citizen or "other U.S. person, including a resident alien individual") or W-8Ben (otherwise) and save it as [firstname_lastname]_form.pdf
  3. Make a spreadsheet with all of your expenses that you want to have reimbursed by the DC. Include each item (for which you also provide a receipt) as well as the total amount. Only include expenses up to the maximum given above in the Excel sheet. Name this [firstname_lastname]_table.[xls/xlsx/csv]
  4. Send these three appropriately named files to the contact email address below. If you do not follow this naming/file format, you won't receive your reimbursement.

After the conference, if you are at a non-US institution: Instructions will be provided separately.

Poster Format

Please refer to the general CVPR 2024 guidelines; the Doctoral Consortium will use the same format. During the actual event, please use any available poster board in the designated Doctoral Consortium room. No poster numbers will be assigned.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: (11:59 pm, Pacific Time) Mar 15, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 29, 2024 (estimated) Mar 29, 2024
  • Doctoral Consortium event: Jun 20, 2024 (11:30 am - 1:30 pm)
