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CVPR 2024 Workshops 

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Track on 3D Scene Understanding

Multimodalities for 3D Scenes Changan Chen 06/17  PM Arch 2B
OpenSUN3D: 2nd Workshop on Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding Francis Engelmann 06/18  PM Arch 211
ScanNet++ Novel View Synthesis and 3D Semantic Understanding Challenge Angela Dai 06/18  AM Arch 211

Track on 3D Vision

2nd Workshop on Compositional 3D Vision Habib Slim 06/18  AM+PM Summit 327
(3rd) Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge Matteo Poggi 06/18  PM Summit 331
7th International Workshop on Visual Odometry and Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues Guoyu Lu 06/18  AM+PM Summit 330
Second Workshop for Learning 3D with Multi-View Supervision Abdullah J Hamdi 06/17  AM+PM Summit 331
ViLMa – Visual Localization and Mapping Patrick Wenzel 06/17  AM+PM Summit 327

Track on Applications

10th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVsports) Thomas B. Moeslund 06/18  AM+PM Arch 3A
Agriculture-Vision: Challenges & Opportunities for Computer Vision in Agriculture Chris Padwick 06/18  AM+PM Arch 3B
AIS: Vision, Graphics and AI for Streaming Marcos V. Conde 06/17  AM+PM Arch 3A
Computer Vision in the Wild Chunyuan Li 06/17  AM+PM Arch 3B
EarthVision: Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery Ronny Haensch 06/17  AM+PM Arch 310
GAZE 2024: The 6th International Workshop on Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild Hyung Jin Chang 06/18  AM Arch 309
MetaFood Workshop (MTF) Yuhao Chen 06/17  AM Arch 309
RetailVision - Field Overview and Amazon Deep Dive Ehud Barnea 06/18  AM+PM Arch 310
Workshop on Virtual Try-On Vidya Narayanan 06/17  PM Arch 309

Track on Assistive Technology

AVA: Accessibility, Vision and Autonomy Meet Eshed Ohn-Bar 06/18  PM Summit 435
VizWiz Grand Challenge: Describing Images and Videos Taken by Blind People Danna Gurari 06/18  AM Summit 435

Track on Assortment of Recognition Topics

2nd Workshop on Scene Graphs and Graph Representation Learning Azade Farshad 06/17  AM Summit 322
FGVC11: 11th Workshop on Fine-grained Visual Categorization Nico Lang 06/18  AM+PM Summit 326
Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond Eduard Trulls 06/17  PM Summit 323
L3D-IVU: 3rd Workshop on Learning with Limited Labelled Data for Image and Video Understanding Valentina Zantedeschi 06/18  AM+PM Summit 322
New frontiers for zero-shot Image Captioning Evaluation (NICE) Taehoon Kim 06/18  AM+PM Summit 323
Representation Learning with Very Limited Images: Zero-shot, Unsupervised, and Synthetic Learning in the Era of Big Models Hirokatsu Kataoka 06/18  PM Summit 324

Track on Autonomous Driving

7th Workshop on Autonomous Driving (WAD) Vincent Casser 06/17  AM+PM Summit 345-346
Data-Driven Autonomous Driving Simulation (DDASD) Žan Gojčič, Maximilian Igl 06/18  AM+PM Summit 342
Populating Empty Cities – Virtual Humans for Robotics and Autonomous Driving Kwan-Yee Lin 06/17  PM Summit 334
Vision and Language for Autonomous Driving and Robotics (VLADR) Boyi Li 06/18  AM+PM Summit 345-346

Track on Biometrics and Forensics

2nd Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data (FRCSyn) Ruben Tolosana 06/18  AM Arch 212
2nd Workshop and Challenge on DeepFake Analysis and Detection Lorenzo Baraldi 06/17  PM Arch 205
6th Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild Dimitrios Kollias 06/18  PM Arch 212
8th Workshop on Media Forensics Hany Farid 06/18  AM+PM Arch 2B
CVPR 2024 Biometrics Workshop Bir Bhanu 06/17  AM+PM Arch 203
The 5th Face Anti-Spoofing Workshop Jun Wan 06/17  AM Arch 201

Track on Computational Photography

20th Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum Riad I. Hammoud 06/18  PM Arch 201
9th New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement Workshop and Challenges Radu Timofte 06/17  AM+PM Arch 204
IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays M. Salman Asif 06/18  AM+PM Arch 204
The 5th Omnidirectional Computer Vision Workshop Kaavya Rekanar 06/18  AM Arch 205
The 7th Workshop and Challenge Bridging the Gap between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition (UG2+) Nicholas M Chimitt 06/17  AM Arch 212

Track on Contemporary discussions and Community building

CV 20/20: A Retrospective Vision Anand Bhattad 06/17  PM Arch 201
LatinX in Computer Vision Research Workshop Laura Montoya 06/18  AM+PM Arch 203
Women in Computer Vision Sachini A Herath 06/18  AM Arch 201

Track on Content Creation

AI for 3D Generation Despoina Paschalidou 06/17  AM+PM Arch 4F
AI for Content Creation (AI4CC) Deqing Sun 06/17  AM+PM Summit 342
The Future of Generative Visual Art Anyi Rao 06/18  AM+PM Summit 343
Workshop on Computer Vision for Fashion, Art, and Design Ziad Al-Halah 06/17  AM Summit 334
Workshop on Graphic Design Understanding and Generation (GDUG) Kota Yamaguchi 06/17  PM Summit 344

Track on Efficient Methods

Efficient Large Vision Models Amirhossein Habibian 06/17  AM Summit 420-422
Fifth Workshop on Neural Architecture Search Stephen McGough 06/17  PM Summit 420 - 422
The 7th Workshop on Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision Danny Yin 06/18  AM+PM Summit 420-422

Track on Egocentric & Embodied AI

EgoMotion: Egocentric Body Motion Tracking, Synthesis and Action Recognition Lingni Ma 06/18  PM Summit 429
First Joint Egocentric Vision (EgoVis) Workshop Antonino Furnari 06/17  AM+PM Summit 428
The 5th Annual Embodied AI Workshop Anthony G Francis 06/18  AM+PM Summit 428

Track on Emerging Learning Paradigms

1st Workshop on Dataset Distillation for Computer Vision Saeed Vahidian 06/17  AM+PM Summit 329
1st Workshop on Test-Time Adaptation: Model, Adapt Thyself! (MAT) Evan Shelhamer 06/18  AM Summit 324
5th Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision (CLVISION) Marc Masana 06/18  AM+PM Summit 325
Computer Vision with Humans in the Loop Lei Zhang 06/18  AM+PM Summit 329
The 3rd International Workshop on Federated Learning for Computer Vision (FedVision-2024) Chen Chen 06/17  AM+PM Summit 325
Workshop on TDLCV: Topological Deep Learning for Computer Vision Tolga Birdal 06/17  AM+PM Summit 328

Track on Emerging Topics

Equivariant Vision: From Theory to Practice Congyue Deng 06/18  AM+PM Summit 321
Implicit Neural Representation for Vision Matthew A Gwilliam 06/18  PM Summit 335-336
Prompting in Vision Amir Bar, Kaiyang Zhou 06/17  AM+PM Summit 335-336
The Sixth Workshop on Precognition: Seeing through the Future Khoa Luu 06/18  PM Summit Elliott Bay
Tool-Augmented VIsion Workshop Ahmet Iscen 06/17  AM Summit 321

Track on Foundation Models

2nd Workshop on Foundation Models Hisham Cholakkal, Teng Xi 06/17  AM+PM Summit 434
2nd Workshop on ``What is Next in Multimodal Foundation Models?'' Rogerio Feris 06/18  AM Summit 437-439
Foundation Models for Autonomous Systems Hongyang Li 06/17  AM+PM Summit 442
The 3rd Workshop on Transformers for Vision Gedas Bertasius 06/18  AM+PM Summit 347-348
The 4th Workshop of Adversarial Machine Learning on Computer Vision: Robustness of Foundation Models Aishan Liu 06/17  AM+PM Summit 435
Towards 3D Foundation Models: Progress and Prospects Hao Su 06/18  AM+PM Summit 434

Track on Generative Models

2nd Workshop on Generative Models for Computer Vision Adam Kortylewski 06/18  AM+PM Summit 432
First Workshop on Efficient and On-Device Generation (EDGE) Felix Juefei Xu, Tingbo Hou 06/17  AM+PM Summit 432
GenAI Media Generation Challenge for Computer Vision Workshop Sam Tsai 06/17  PM Summit 423-425
ReGenAI: First Workshop on Responsible Generative AI Adriana Romero-Soriano 06/18  AM Summit 433
The First Workshop on the Evaluation of Generative Foundation Models Maria Zontak 06/18  PM Summit 433

Track on Human Understanding

New Challenges in 3D Human Understanding Qianli Ma 06/17  AM Summit 420-422
New Trends in Multimodal Human Action Perception, Understanding and Generation Yansong Tang 06/18  PM Summit 430
Rhobin 2024: The second Rhobin challenge on Reconstruction of Human-Object Interaction Xi Wang 06/17  PM Summit 427
Workshop on Human Motion Generation Guy Tevet 06/18  AM Summit 430

Track on Medical Vision

9th Workshop on Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis Mei Chen 06/18  AM+PM Summit 431
Data Curation and Augmentation in Enhancing Medical Imaging Applications Shuoqi Chen 06/17  PM Summit 347-348
Domain adaptation, Explainability and Fairness in AI for Medical Image Analysis (DEF-AI-MIA) Stefanos Kollias 06/17  AM Summit 347-348
Foundation Models for Medical Vision Jun Ma 06/17  AM+PM Summit 324

Track on Mobile and Embedded Vision

4th Mobile AI Workshop and Challenges Andrey Ignatov 06/17  AM+PM Arch 211
Embedded Vision Workshop Tse-Wei Chen 06/18  PM Arch 205
Third Workshop of Mobile Intelligent Photography & Imaging Xiaoming Li 06/18  AM Arch 213

Track on Multimodal Learning

7th MUltimodal Learning and Applications Paolo Rota 06/18  AM+PM Summit 320
Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning Workshop Anoop Cherian 06/17  AM Summit 320
Sight and Sound Andrew Owens 06/17  AM+PM Summit 326

Track on Neural Rendering

1st Workshop on Neural Volumetric Video Xiaowei Zhou 06/18  PM Summit 332
Neural Rendering Intelligence Fangneng Zhan 06/17  PM Summit 332
XRNeRF: Second Workshop on Advances in Radiance Fields for the Metaverse Aayush Prakash 06/18  AM Summit 332

Track on Open World Learning

VAND 2.0: Visual Anomaly and Novelty Detection Latha Pemula 06/17  AM+PM Summit 330
Visual Perception via Learning in an Open World Shu Kong 06/18  AM+PM Summit 328

Track on Physics, Graphics, Geometry, AR/VR/MR

4th Workshop on Physics Based Vision meets Deep Learning (PBDL2024) Shaodi You 06/17  AM+PM Summit 333
Computer Vision for Mixed Reality Rakesh Ranjan 06/17  AM Summit 332
Social Presence with Codec Avatars Julieta Martinez 06/18  AM+PM Summit 333
The Sixth Workshop on Deep Learning for Geometric Computing (DLGC 2024) Dena Bazazian 06/18  AM+PM Summit 448

Track on Responsible and Explainable AI

2nd Workshop on Multimodal Content Moderation Mei Chen 06/17  AM+PM Arch 304
Ethical Considerations in Creative Applications of Computer Vision Negar Rostamzadeh 06/17  PM Arch 213
Safe Artificial Intelligence for All Domains (SAIAD) Timo Saemann 06/18  AM+PM Arch 304
The 3rd Explainable AI for Computer Vision (XAI4CV) Workshop Indu Panigrahi 06/18  AM+PM Arch 2A
The Fifth Workshop on Fair, Data-efficient, and Trusted Computer Vision Srikrishna Karanam 06/17  AM+PM Arch 303
Workshop on Responsible Data Candice Schumann 06/18  AM+PM Arch 303

Track on Robot Learning

5th Workshop on Robot Visual Perception in Human Crowded Environments Hengcan Shi 06/18  PM Arch 210
Causal and Object-Centric Representations for Robotics Efstratios Gavves 06/17  AM+PM Arch 210

Track on Science Applications

4th Workshop on CV4Animals: Computer Vision for Animal Behavior Tracking and Modeling Urs Waldmann 06/17  AM+PM Arch 214
AI4Space 2024 Tat-Jun Chin 06/17  AM Arch 205
Computer Vision for Materials Science Workshop Alexei Skurikhin 06/18  AM Arch 214
CV4Science David Fouhey 06/17  AM+PM Arch 2A
The Seventh International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM) Wenjin Wang 06/17  PM Arch 305

Track on Synthetic Data

3rd Workshop on Vision Datasets Understanding and DataCV Challenge Liang Zheng 06/17  PM Summit 436
SyntaGen: Harnessing Generative Models for Synthetic Visual Datasets Khoi Nguyen 06/17  AM Summit 423-425
Synthetic Data for Computer Vision Jieyu Zhang 06/18  AM+PM Summit 423-425

Track on Urban Environments

1st Workshop on Urban Scene Modeling: Where Vision Meets Photogrammetry and Graphics Jack Langerman, Ruisheng Wang 06/17  AM+PM Summit 443
4th Workshop and Challenge on Computer Vision in the Built Environment for the Design, Construction, and Operation of Buildings Iro Armeni 06/18  AM+PM Summit 443
8th AI City Challenge Zheng Tang 06/17  AM+PM Summit 444

Track on Video Understanding

4th International Workshop on Long-form Video Understanding: Towards Multimodal AI Assistant and Copilot Mike Zheng Shou 06/17  AM+PM Summit 430
5th International Workshop on Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding Mohsen Fayyaz 06/17  AM Summit 429
Learning from Procedural Videos and Language: What is Next? Effrosyni Mavroudi 06/18  PM Summit 427
Pixel-level Video Understanding in the Wild Challenge Henghui Ding 06/17  PM Summit 429
What is Next in Video Understanding? Davide Moltisanti 06/18  AM Summit 335-336