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Poster Printing Information

CVPR 2024 offers a poster printing service for attendees who like to collect their printed poster onsite at the Seattle convention center. The poster printing service can be used both for papers that appear at the main conference as well as for workshop papers.

General Poster Information

Posters will be 84” x 42” = 213 cm x 107cm (WxH, aspect ratio 2:1, landscape format). If you want to use the CVPR logo on your poster, you can download them as a zip file here

Feel free to use your own artwork, but we recommend to use a 3 or 4 column layout, and to use little text and few large but expressive figures on your poster. The poster should not be a copy-paste of your paper, but provide you the “tools” to give a 5-10 minute presentation of your work to any attendee. We recommend looking at posters from previous conferences for inspiration. If you like, you can also base your poster on the following pptx template which contains additional hints and tips:

Main Conference Posters

Check here for the day and time of your poster presentation.

If you are attending in person, it is mandatory that you print your poster with our provider.  Again, this is only if you are attending in person or if you want your poster up during the poster session. We will only have boards for the posters printed via this service.

The cost to you is $50 and all payments can be made with the provider directly. You must submit before June 3rd, 5PM PST.  After this deadline, the full cost will be your responsibility.

  • Rush: After June 3rd 9th – 5pm PST $199  (USD)

Poster Specifications/Options: All posters are printed on 8mil Satin Poster Paper, Full Color and Single Sided. Posters are shipped rolled, shipping to event is included.

The available final size is 84” x 42”. 
A PDF file is preferred. 100 DPI or vector art at full size is recommended but the file will automatically be scaled if needed.

The link is active now.!/RegisterUser?SITEGUID=0af86288-83db-45dc-945f-3245fc8194f0

***** Put your last name and PAPER ID Number at the Job Name when submitting the poster.*******


Workshop Posters


We are happy to partner with ARC Document Solutions to offer a cost-effective poster printing solution that includes delivery of your work shop poster to the event by June 17th.

You will be prompted during the order process to enter the presenter's name and contact information, make sure you have this information correct. It is very important to enter accurate information for proper distribution of the posters.  Please list the Workshop and your paper id number.

All posters are printed on 8mil Satin Poster Paper, Full Color and Single Sided. Posters are shipped rolled, shipping to event is included.
Final size available: 84” x 42”
Please do not include bleed

Schedule for Ordering and Fees

Early Bird: $89 (USD)

Rush: After June 3rd, 2024 – 5pm PST - $145 (USD)

Express: After June 9th, 2024 – 5pm PST $199  (USD)


Here is the link for workshop posters -!/Storefront


Any questions can be directed to Nicole ( before submission.

If you have a question, need to re-submit a file or need a receipt, please contact the provider directly