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CVPR 2024 – Call for Socials

Socials Chair: Vítor Albiero (Meta), Giovanni Maria Farinella (University of Catania), Yale Song (Meta)

Proposal Deadline: Mar 15, 2025

Notification by: April 5, 2024


With the success of last year’s social events, we are pleased to announce the second edition of the community-driven social events at CVPR 2024. We invite proposals for social events to happen during the main conference (in-person). We strongly encourage anyone with a creative idea to apply, and be part of this important initiative!

Over the years, the computer vision community has witnessed a rapid influx of newcomers from academia and industry, resulting in a substantial growth in the number of conference attendees. While this creates a vibrant and stimulating academic environment, it has become challenging for everyone to meet new people and socialize during the conference. People who are new to the community and/or from minorities are especially facing challenges because they do not already have extensive networks in the community. 

Diversity and inclusion is at the forefront of our community. To address this new challenge, we are organizing community-driven social events for the second time in CVPR. Our goal is to create a welcoming community where newcomers, and long-timers have ample opportunities to build meaningful connections and develop new collaborations. To this end, we are looking for motivated members of the community to organize social events at CVPR 2024. 

There are many ways to organize a social event, and we welcome creative and fun ideas.  If you are interested but unsure about ideas, please reach out to us and we will brainstorm with you! 

Important Information

  • Social events will take place in one of the evenings during the main conference. They can only be in-person.

  • All social events are intended to be open to all interested parties. We explicitly ask not to make their event an invitation only.

  • The conference will provide a “basic level” of sponsorship to run social events. It will consist of a room with AV equipment (similar to the workshop/tutorial rooms) and refreshments (snacks and soft drinks). We plan to help organizers find extra sponsorship to further support their events. Organizers are free to seek their own funding as well.

  • Submissions should be in a PDF format and sent to the Social Chairs via email (

What to include in an application

  • The title and description of the proposed event. 

  • Information about the organizers (names, email addresses, affiliations, biographies). If applicable, please also include their past experience in organizing events (this doesn’t have to be events within academic communities).

  • A tentative schedule of the event (for about 2-3 hours).

  • Any desired/needed support beyond the basic package (space, refreshments, and A/V equipment).

Selection Criteria

  • Be socially-focused. We encourage topics that provide opportunities to meet new people and socialize outside their typical networks. Topics that are typically discussed in workshops and tutorials are explicitly discouraged (socials are not meant to be workshops/tutorials in disguise!).

  • Be diverse and inclusive. We encourage topics that appeal to a diverse audience with various ethnic, racial, geographic, socioeconomic, academic/professional backgrounds. For example, an event that invites people of a specific nationality would not be inclusive; an event that invites anyone interested in that country’s culture regardless of their background would be more inclusive.

  • The team’s potential for success. This can include the organizers' past experience in organizing successful large gatherings, the concreteness of the proposed event, and the diversity of the organizers (their affiliations and backgrounds). We further require each team to have organizers from at least two different organizations.