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Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Will plenary sessions be captioned?

Yes, the plenary sessions will be captioned. There will be automatic captions and live captions. Live captions will be verified and corrected after the event.


Are there accessible transportation options to get to the venue?

Information about getting to the venue can be found here and the full accessibility guide is here

The Seattle Convention Center and all our hotel blocks are ADA-compliant. The main entrance to the convention center is wheelchair accessible. There are wheelchair-accessible elevators. The main lobby and foyer are mostly obstacle-free. Braille labeling is provided at strategic locations throughout the venue. Microphones are auto-adjustable; if there are requirements for specific lectern height, we may let staff know to arrange this in advance.

Mobility Scooters or Wheelchairs

SCC has wheelchairs onsite for emergency use only. These local vendors can assist:


Visually impaired attendees, upon request, can have volunteers to escort them and open doors, as well as reserve seats in the front row of plenary sessions; please contact the CVPR 2024 Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Chairs here

You can learn more about the venue’s accommodations for accessibility HERE


Has the convention center staff had disability awareness training?

The convention staff has Federal ADA guidelines training.


How far is the specific conference location from the disabled parking spaces, the convention center lobby, etc.?

Please reference the PARKING section here


Does the accessibility stall in the bathrooms accommodate large electric wheelchairs?

Yes, the venue is ADA-compliant, and multi-user restrooms have wheelchair-accessible stalls.


The Seattle Convention Center and CVPR take Inclusion and Equality seriously. The SCC statement can be found here

Are there lactation rooms?

Yes. This is noted in the program. There is a mother’s room in The Summit building on level 3, near 341 and 4 near 441 marked below. Each has a comfy chair, a sink, and a refrigerator for use during the conference hours. Please label anything you put in this refrigerator. The rooms will be monitored for safety only and will have a sign if the room is in use.

A floor plan of a building

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 A floor plan of a building

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Does the venue have gender-inclusive restrooms?

All restrooms in SCC are accessible and include hands-free faucets. Arch family restrooms are located on Levels 4 and 5. The all-gender restroom is located on Level 4. These are only available during event activities.

Summit all-gender restrooms are located on the Exhibit Hall Level and Levels 2-5. Personal consideration rooms are on Levels 3 and 4.

Venue staff will be explicitly instructed not to police bathroom usage.


Are there quiet rooms and/or prayer room?

Yes, Summit 326 is dedicated for this Wed-Friday. There will be a sign if the room is in use.

During the workshop days, please request use in advance by emailing Nicole here


Emergency Procedures